SO YOU WANNA BE DOWN? Not only do you think you have what it takes to make it into the Ranks of the E.H. $upreme $TARTING LINEUP! Do you think You have what it takes to $hare in the Mentality? Well, let U$ be the Judge of that. The Casting Call Goes out to Anyone from Anywhere Who Believes In Themself Enough To Try Out for one of our OPEN AUDITIONS CASTING CALLS! Hey, GOOD LUCK! $how U$ what You Got! GET IN THA GAME! TRY OUT TODAY!

  • Category: New Recruits
  • Service Duration: 45 Minutes
  • Address: New York, NY, United States (Map)
  • More Info: Wanting to join the E.H. $upreme line up. Try out at one of our OPEN AUDITIONS and get into the Game
  • Price:$20



Change your life overnight. If you are lucky enough to make it on $tage to tryout for one of Our Open Mic/Open$tage --OPEN AUDITIONS--then you are already Halfway There! We Encourage everyone to give it a $hot. Believe in Your $elf and the Audience will have no choice but to Believe in You! Becoming an E.H. $upreme Performing or Recording Artist is that $imple. However, Entering the Ranks of Le $upreme; Well--That's Another Horse of a Different Color All Together! Let's Get It! Our Format is $simple:

  1.  We Are Not Into Clones or Looking For Any of Them (If your material, look or mentality is not original--You can Keep it moving--We do not tolerate or sanction biters)
  2. Keep it Real--This is a NO PERPETRATORS ZONE. Profess to be what you are not--You Will be Checked on That! BE YOUR SELF!
  3. MIND OVER MATTER--Put Your Mind Into Your Own Material and it Is a Matter of Universal Law that You Will Reap the Benefits.
  4. You Must Be a Team Leader--Therefore, You Must Know how to function as a part of and within a Team! E.H. $upreme is a FAMILY UNIT turned into a HIP-HOP NATION with NO GEOGRAPHICAL BOUNDARIES. Can You ELEVATE YOUR MIND$TATE to EVOLVE WITH U$ while You ELEVATE OTHER$?
  5. BU$INE$$ $AVY I$ A MIND$ET-- Are you capable of being innovative enough to enhance your production and bottom line drive without looking to be guided by others--Are You Maverick Enough?
  6. Are You Ready For This Life?--E.H. $upreme is a LifeStyle. The Money comes and goes--the Beauty and Youth fades--However what remains Eternal is Our Content and Mentality--This is the Heart, Core and Foundation of the Legendary Legacies we intend to Form and Create Here--Are you Ready For That?
  7. $elf $ufficiency--On the Battlefield--If Standing and Facing the Giants--Can You $tand on Your Own? They $ay--" People with higher TE$To$tEronE A$$ociatE with Dominance and those with low levels of Corti$ol ($tre$$) typically participate in riskier behaviors and remain "calm, cool and collected" under pressure". Knowing that HIP-HOP is a Jungle out there, How do You plan to Make it through the $urvival of the Fittest $tage--Where only the $trong $urvive--Ask Your $elf--What is Your Game Plan For That?

Welcome to E.H. $upreme. Using Templates the Entertainment Industry Firms can craft and build slick and deceptive images and characters, complete with catchy logos, marketing, phrases, descriptive copy (passed off as lyrics), interactive elements like social media and a Fan Band Wagon that wont quit. However, the Process to make it into Our Ranks does not $upport or Play that $hit. We are after the Originalality and Quality of our Authenticity--the Real Lifestyle Aspect of Our Craft. Overstand that and You Have Potential. Deny or Overlook that and You Are in the Wrong Forum. We Don't Design Mascots--We Build and Craft Legends!