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$PECIAL Reports

Brooklyn, New York City: This year hasn't even began yet and the Energies are ACTIVE and BLA$TING AWAY! We're setting things off in E.H. $upreme Fashion from the jump. LIVE ON DA $ET: Itroducing: Rebal God--E.H. $upreme.

Mobile--GET IN THE GAME TUNE INTO THE REAL E.H. with your Mobile E.H. App.

Get in the Game with the Real E.H. $upreme Mobile App. There is only 1 way to Get into the Family and Guess What? You Need To Get The Official App to Get In! say no more--its here! Stay Tuned!

$upreme Media

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Social Media Campaigns--E.H. Don't play that. And We definitely Ain't On No Homey Tha Clown $hit!

For trying to get the message out the Powers that Be are Pissed Off with a Capital P. $o Since that's the way the Cookie Crumbles we would not be the H if we did not FIRE BACK! BROOK-NAM! Receive FIRE--RETURN FIRE! So now we're opening up the $tage with a $erious Twist. Facebook has been making examples of Conscious Brothers and $isters $peaking, $howing and Demonstrating the wicked ways of this North Atlantic Slave Trading Institutions of Mental Slavery. Enter a $ource of New Content. We're not playing any Games with it! Going at Facebook and raising our Voices about it is the Key to our Campaign so we are calling Everybody to the FRONTLINES for ACTION and ACTIVE DUTY! Empire is a cenematic creation. E.H. is a Living institution without any of the Lucious and Cookie Drama! Oh, we got our Dramas too, but taking over Facebook and teaching their Racist Regimes a Hood Lesson is our number objective! We're taking it back to the Ol-School! Taking it Back to Union Square. $ome of the Staples that made HIP-HOP may be gone now, but the lifeblood of HIP-HOP lives on in our FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION! We beg for nothing! And we damn $ure don't apologize for $hit! You don't like our ME$$AGE deal with it and Get out of our way with that nonsense. E.H. $tand Up! Let's Get It!